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About the Artist
Hello, and welcome to my art website. I am happy you are here! My sole purpose for creating art is so others may enjoy it. While it brings me deep satisfaction to create pieces which represent my dreams, moments, thoughts, and imagination, the real enjoyment comes from when others are able to enjoy it too.
I was born in Middletown, Ohio, and raised in Cupertino, California. I flew from the nest in 1979 and went to Humboldt State University in Northern California. Leaving home was the catalyst for becoming the artist I am today.
My journey into art began with photography. As far back as I can remember, I have had a camera in my hand. I have traveled the world with that camera, using the lense as a form of expression. As time went on, I became not only keenly aware of my desire to create, but also my openness to do so. I picked up a paintbrush and, as it is said, the rest is history.
Acrylic painting was the first medium I dabbled in and it quickly became one of the many types of art I express myself with. I am in constant awe of the world around me, finding inspiration in even the smallest of moments, images, or experiences. I photograph, paint, draw, and create what comes to me. I spent years holding back the true, creative being that I am. Once she was unleashed...there has been no stopping her.
Another place I find the most comfort and freedom, is on the water. I have been competitively rowing since 1979, during my sophomore year at Humboldt State University. It was in this sport that I not only found a deeper connection with the artist in me, but also found the purest form of that combines pure adrenaline with unapologetic grace. There is nothing quite like gliding across still waters, working to stay in sync with your crewmates, and listening to the pounding of your heart while cutting through the water. This sport chose me and I obliged.
I am so blessed to be able to create and share what I love.
Thank you for sharing this with me,
Susan Wood
I am an active member in my community who enjoys showing my work whenever I can.
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